Aamar Account OD (Unsecured)

Aamar Account OD (Unsecured)

It is a unique overdraft facility for Aamar Account Holder which gives customer an easy access to additional funds, making their life simpler. Customer will get instant access to funds for meet the emergency cash needs & miscellaneous exigency.ency.


  • Alternative of credit card.
  • Three times of disbursed monthly salary or BDT 0.50 million whichever is lower.
  • 100% Cash withdrawal facility.
  • Acceptable in all VISA POS/ ATMs.
  • Free cash withdrawal from any ATM/POS in the country.
  • Interest is applicable only on used debit balance.
  • No Early settlement fee.

Required Documents for Application

  • Copy of TIN
  • Bank Statement (6 months for Salaried person & 12 months for Businessman)
  • Salary certificate/ Letter of Introduction is required for all salaried customer other than IFIC payroll
  • Copy of trade license (only for businessman)