Human Resource Development (HRD)

Human Resource Development (HRD)

 Human Resource Development (HRD)

In IFIC we believe that our people are the key driving force to success and we recognize their talent to steer our business growth. HR believes that People, Process, and Technology are the three pillars that are imperative to achieve long term sustainable growth.

The HR Division hence is geared to build up a Meritocracy based Culture where Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Competitive Compensation Package, and Employee Engagement play pivotal roles.

Our Recruitment Unit works relentlessly to attract people with potential skills, leadership traits and demonstrated initiatives. We equip them with required competencies and value based leadership attributes. Ultimately we develop them into responsible corporate citizens.

The IFIC Bank Training Academy is one of the oldest institutions in the private sector and a state-of-the-art Training Centre, fully equipped to take care of all the learning and development needs of our employees. We source the best-in-class faculty from home and abroad and we continuously send our employees to world class training institutions all over the globe.

HR also plays a key role in engaging, empowering and enabling employees to outshine with extraordinary integrity, innovation and commitment through diversified Employee Engagement Activities and Town Hall Sessions. 

HR continues to shine the spotlight on our employees and awards them an excellent employment experience through promotions, rewards, work-life balance and career development.