IFIC Aamar Protibeshi

IFIC Aamar Protibeshi

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2030, Bangladesh Bank has introduced several financial inclusion programs. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic situation, to be aligned with Bangladesh Bank and to expand the outreach of financial services to the remote areas and marginalized populations, IFIC Bank has taken initiative to set up “Branch” as well as “Uposhakha” in different areas across the country.

By undertaking a project named “Neighborhood Banking Project”, IFIC Bank has so far established 1208 number of Uposhakha across the country. The Project has started its function on 23rd June 2019. Clients are being significantly served with satisfaction from their neighboring Uposhakhas. The valued customers of the Bank have already expressed their good feelings having such “Uposhakha” at their doorsteps.

Uposhakha will open up a new horizon and is functioning as a new dimension to the banking sector of Bangladesh by providing services like a branch at minimum cost. Due to its proximity, Uposhakha will save time and money for the customer and spares a lot of hassles. Uposhakha will help to mobilize money through the banking channel and bring more people under institutional banking facilities.